Review and Learn
24HourNation’s library of global nighttime economy-related studies, plans, and papers are valuable for any city wishing to make their nights safer, more inclusive, and more culturally and economically vibrant.
We have added more than 60 PDF documents to this library … and we welcome other submissions that are relevant to our nighttime economies.
Creative Footprint Stockholm
Stockholm Business Region
Fastighetsägarna Stockholm
Atrium Ljungberg
NYC’s Nightlife Economy: Impact, Assets, and Opportunities
NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment
The North Highland Company
Econsult Solutions, Inc.
Urbane Development
Report of the Night Time Economy Taskforce
Ireland’s Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Sexism Free Night Research Report
Observatorio Noctámbulas
Fundación Salud y Comunidad
Sexism Free Night
European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
Building a Sustainable Queer Nightlife in London
University of Roehampton London
Arts Council England
University of Liverpool
Queer Arts Consortium
NOCTÁMBULA. Guía incluyente hacia Ciudades de 24 horas en México
Gobierno de México
Secretario de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano
Mujeres en el Territorio
Greater Manchester Night Time Economy Strategy
Andy Burnham
Alison McKenzie-Folan
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Dublin City Night-Time Economy Strategy
Dublin City Council
Ireland Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Culture Connects: An Action Plan for Culture in Toronto (2025 – 2035)
Economic Development and Culture Division, City of Toronto
Toronto Arts Council
School for Cities
Canada Council for the Arts