Just Imagine Our Shared Power
Nearly 20% of the working population is engaged in nighttime work, which is most common in the hospitality, arts and culture, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing and industrial, and communications sectors.
Imagine if policymakers at all levels of government heard and took our shared points of view into consideration.
Candidates, causes, and elected officials need to hear from us.
An excellent location to raise your voice is in the voting booth.
24HourNation and our colleagues from nighttime industries encourage you:
- register to vote if you are eligible.
- confirm that your voting registration is correct and active.
- vote for candidates (at all levels of government) who are mindful of nighttime economy workers, opportunities, and concerns.
Let’s UNIGHT the night.
Important Voter Information

Graphic borrowed from Ignatian Solidarity Network

As a valued member of the nighttime community, are you correctly registered to vote?
The deadline to register to vote varies based on where you are registered. Get details and register.