Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Hot nights, baby

Hot nights are disrupting our sleep — and climate change is making it worse.

Researchers have linked sleep measurements to local daily meteorological data. The dataset contained ten billion sleep observations during a two-year time, comprising 7.41 million sleep records from across sixty-eight countries.

The data source? Sleep-tracking wristbands linked to smartphone applications.

The conclusion? Warmer nighttime temperatures harm sleep … with unequal effects.

Published May 20, 2022 in “One Earth,” the report concludes that the elderly, residents of lower-income countries, females, and those already living in hotter climates are disproportionately affected.

“Most fitness and health tracking apps or devices require users to agree allow the manufacturers to collect and share their data to access their services. These services have options to choose which types of data are recorded, though critics say they still collect more information than users are aware,” CBC Radio observes.

Now, about those settings on your Fitbit…

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