Nancy Gonlin, PhD

Nancy Gonlin, PhD

Nancy Gonlin, PhD
Panelist for 24HourNation’s Nights of Yore webinar

Dr. Nancy Gonlin is a Professor of Anthropology at Bellevue College, Washington. As a Mesoamerican archaeologist, she has been trained in the 4-field approach of American anthropology at Juniata College (B.S.) and The Pennsylvania State University (M.A. and Ph.D.).

She has conducted fieldwork in Honduras and El Salvador on Classic Maya sites, in Puebla, Mexico on Postclassic sites, and in Oaxaca, Mexico on Ñuiñe (Mixtec) sites. Gonlin served as editor of Ancient Mesoamerica and the Journal of Archaeology and Education, and now sits on their boards.

She is a member of the Scientific Board for the International Conference on Night Studies. Her numerous podcasts, webinars, presentations, TV appearance, popular articles, and TEDx talk have highlighted nocturnal adaptations of ancient Mesoamericans, nighttime household archaeology, and a concern for disappearing dark modern nights.

Her latest three co-edited volumes have focused on the archaeology of the night. Gonlin received the Excellence Award from Bellevue College in recognition of her outstanding teaching and service to the college. She continues to serve national and international organizations. Look for a forthcoming popular book on the archaeology of the night!

Dr. Gonlin is a panelist for 24HourNation’s Nights of Yore webinar

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