Working Nights: Municipal Strategies for Nocturnal Workers (2021)

Working Nights: Municipal Strategies for Nocturnal Workers (2021)

One in nine people in the UK work at night – the highest proportion of the workforce since UK’s Office for National Statistics records began in 2005.

The Night-Time Industries Association (NTIA) estimates that the UK night-time economy (NTE) contributes 5.1% of the GDP in the UK and is a fast-growing employment sector.

Night-time work is celebrated for its benefits to businesses and consumers as part of an expanding NTE, but it presents many challenges to workers which are often overlooked.

To tackle the inequalities of the night we need to rethink the NTE in a way that centers on the issue of nocturnal reproductive labor and the challenges it presents to precarious night workers.

Precarity is a defining characteristic of shift and night work. Workers do not choose to work at night, but often only do so out of necessity.

‘Working Nights’ Authors

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