
Sara Rodriguez Terres: BT Active Intelligence

Nighttime Economy Podcast
Season 3, Episode 3
Feb. 16, 2024
Guest: Sara Rodriguez Terres, Marketing Manager
BT Active Intelligence
London, UK

As BT understates on its website, “Data is useful.” However, BT’s data analytics group goes on to explain that mobile network data provides just the first piece of a puzzle. “We blend data with innovative analytics technology, to give your business measurable insights you can take action on.”

The BT Active Intelligence unit takes the location data from more than twenty-four million phones. Ensuring anonymity and aggregation to groups of ten or more individuals, BT overlays the physical movements of people with other data to provide invaluable insights.

Such was the case when BT Active Intelligence began to map out activity in UK’s 24-hour economy. And, never before had they specifically gained insights on UK’s nighttime economy until it conducted analysis that resulted in the report, “Cities After Dark: Shining a Light on the 24-Hour Economy.”

Released Jan. 31, 2024, this new flight of “active intelligence” revealed that UK’s nighttime economy is “about much more than bars, restaurants and clubs. With 8.7 million people working between the hours of 6pm and 6am, it’s an economic powerhouse that creates jobs, drives growth and makes towns and cities more appealing for residents and visitors.”

The global applications for mobility insights and the night are mind-blowing. Hold onto your hats as we speak with Sara Rodriguez Terres in this edition of Nighttime Economy.



Download the “Cities After Dark” report [PDF]

Our thanks to Paul Broadhurst, Manager – 24-Hour London at Greater London Authority, for connecting 24HourNation with Sara Rodriguez Terres

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